Born February 22, 2019
Ready for new home end of April.
***Take a look at this handsome little man!*** What a great little guy. Right now he’s kind of the laid back one of the litter. He’ll go with the flow and be happy with it all. He’s been raised in our home and the center of all activity and around kiddos. He just started eating his dogfood smoothies as my boys like to call it a few days ago (4 weeks old) and loves his food!! We will begin potty training him at 6 weeks old. We love making the experience of adding a new Frenchie baby in your home as fun and stress free as possible. You just might find a few items from Everett in your mailbox as you wain in anticipation for his arrival. Give me a call or send me a message!!!
We’ve never been more certain of a perfect match!

Price $3300
Deposit $300