Hi I’m Romeo the spoiled French Bulldog! Hehe! Momma’s nicknames for me include Romster, Romster Roo, and Rom. I came to join my family as an early Christmas present. The boys were excited and as they rushed down the stairs to the box under the Christmas tree. Tytan open it up and out I popped.

Momma was working as a pharmacist and had no plans of breeding. She grew up in the dog breeding world and said she was tired of scooping doggy poo and wanted to do something a bit more prestigious. Momma quickly found out that prestige isn’t all it’s cracked up to be and doggy poo isn’t that bad. She returned back to raising Frenchies and doing other business ventures. I like it because now she works from home and can pay more attention to me.
Here’s some more pics of me: Romeo The Spoiled French Bulldog

Momma says I don’t earn my keep since I am neutered. Daddy says don’t pay attention to her as I’m his favorite big boy! And I am a big boy at a whopping 35-40lbs. Momma chose me specifically for my size as she knew I’d be big enough to survive my two human brothers. Notice how much bigger I am than my sister Paris. She was an old girl when I arrived and has gone onto doggie heaven but she was a good Frenchie sister.

I am a bit more spoiled than the other Frenchies and get to roam the house when I want, lay on any couch, and have the ability to jump on the bed. Momma tells me to get off the bed every night. She’s says I’m too big and take up too much space. Daddy saves me and let’s me sleep on his side of the bed. Thanks Dad! You’re the best!

I get up when momma gets up. You know the statement, “Behind every good woman is a Frenchie that follows her to the bathroom.” I’m that Frenchie! Hehe! During morning coffee we snuggle on the big overstuffed chair by the fireplace. When Trenton & Tytan wake up they usually come join us. It’s a good life.

When the boys eat breakfast, I work as momma’s roomba cathching any scraps they drop. When they’re done and momma’s not paying attention, I jump on the table and lick their plates clean. Momma doesn’t approve.
When people come over everyone loves me. I used to love everyone but for some reason tall white guys scare me a bit.
I started out on kibble but momma now feeds me a raw meat diet, eggs, steamed veggies, a little rice. I’m not as plump as I used to be and momma says that I’m a healthier weight and that will help me live longer.
My favorite past time is snoozing. Snoozing is what I do best. In fact, I have a special talent of holding the couch cushions down. Every once in awhile I get the zoomies. Momma laughs when I do because I’m so big and bulky. I’ve had an amazing life. I’m spoiled and get lots of attention but of course never enough for me. That’s what makes me a Frenchie…I need love and lots of it.
Make sure to follow us on Instagram as she posts lots of stuff with me in it.
Read more about my other Frenchie friends!